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Apps for Autism

19 November 2014
Apps for Autism

Technology plays a significant role in the lives of all children on a day to day basis. However, for children with autism, it could play an even bigger role.  There are more and more apps being produced that can help children with autism improve communication, assist in their development of social skills and enhance their ability to learn.  


Here is a selection of APPS Hemispheres recommend for Autism:

1.    ABA Flash Cards (Emotions) -  This app encourages children to recognise different emotions and non-verbal cues in others by using flash cards.  In addition to the cards on the app, users can create their own, and can incorporate sound.  Cost :  FREE

 2.    First then Visual Schedule – This app helps you to set a schedule to help children understand the sequence of events about to occur.  The app lets you create a pictogram-based schedule, with a timer for each event, that the child can then check off as each task is completed.  Cost:  £10.49

3.    Look in my Eyes – This app is helpful as many autistic children have difficulties with making eye contact - an important social skill.  The programme encourages eye contact by making a game of looking at a series of faces, focusing on the eyes and answering questions to earn points which they can then use to buy items from a virtual restaurant.  Made by FIZZBRAIN LLC – need to do an internet search. Cost: £1.99

4.    Talking Larry – Talking Larry is a fun way to develop language skills.  Larry is a friendly bird that repeats words.  Children can interact with Larry by feeding him, poking him or playing the piano as he sings. Cost: £1.99

 This is a small selection of Apps that can be used to help children with autism, and should be considered in light of other APPS that are available.

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