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Keep Up to date with the latest news from Hemispheres Movement for Learning Occupational Therapy for children

June 2016

Shelley to Talk at the Royal College of Chiropractors Symposium

Shelley to Talk at the Royal College of Chiropractors Symposium

Shelley has been asked again this year to present at the Royal College of Chiropractors Symposium, 2...
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June 2014

Shelley Trains the Think Write Programme in Gibraltar

Shelley Trains the Think Write Programme in Gibraltar

A successful, collaborative training day on the Hemispheres Think Write Handwriting Programme brough...
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January 2015

New Screening Tool and Movement Programme For Schools

New Screening Tool and Movement Programme For Schools

Hemispheres is proud to be launching the Hemispheres Movement, Balance and Learning Screening Tool a...
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June 2014

Hemispheres Think Write Makes the Press in Gibraltar

Hemispheres Think Write Makes the Press in Gibraltar

Shelley interviewed by the Gibraltar Chronicle during her stay.  
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July 2014

Growing Number of Schools Using the Hemispheres Think Write

There are a growing number of schools benefitting from using the Hemispheres Think Wrtie as their co...
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July 2014

Auditory Processing and The Listening Programme

Hemispheres is constantly looking for new ways to ensure the therapy they recommend and deliver yiel...
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July 2014

New Facebook Page

Hemispheres has at last set up a facebook page so we can keep in touch with parents, schools and oth...
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July 2014

The Hemispheres Think Write Makes a Difference

The Hemispheres Think Write Makes a Difference

Zoe is a young girl with autism, and before starting the Hemispheres Think Write handwriting program...
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Hemispheres Paediatric Occupational Therapy, Surrey, Herts & Hants.
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