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Elaine from Surrey, Handwriting Difficulties

My son Philip has always struggled with handwriting, and at age eight at the end of year three he was producing very little work and was going down the assessment scales at school;  resulting in him being assessed at the end of year three as having the writing ability of a year one child.  The situation was causing us and his teachers concern as his handwriting ability was at odds with his reading and maths ability which were both rated at the top of his school year. A friend gave us the contact details for Hemispheres and when I took him for his initial assessment it was such a relief when Katherine could tell us the reasons why Philip hadn't managed to improve his writing ability for the last three years. Some of the basic reflexes were still present causing him neurological problems and he lacked fine motor control and muscle development in his hands.

We went away with sets of exercises which took around fifteen minutes each day and after the first month we could see an amazing difference. He was more co-ordinated, producing more work in school, less distracted in many things and his confidence was increasing.  Exercises for the following months involved some writing as well as physical exercises and they've simply fitted in as part of our morning routine every day.  The writing exercises were fun and so unlike anything the school had given us to do.  After three months we can see a massive difference in our son, he has more confidence, less clumsy, more independent at initiating tasks, he sits and draws and writes for fun and he's calmer, showing less frustration at many things.  He also shows less resistance to starting and completing written homework, at school he is producing larger quantities of neater work and his writing style is more fluid and consistent.  Philip loves going to see Katherine once a month, he feels the difference the exercises have made and he enjoys the sense of achievement he now gets at school and in his daily life.

Hemispheres Paediatric Occupational Therapy, Surrey, Herts & Hants.
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